These are his words to the Jedi Exile: "It is easy to cast blame, but it is perhaps time the Order accepted responsibility for their teachings, and their arrogance, and come to recognize that perhaps we are flawed"
Zez-Kai Ell was a Jedi Master serving on the Jedi Council during the mass Mandalorian Wars. Zez-Kai Ell was close friends with a respectful Jedi Master and Council member Kavar. Unfortunately he was killed on the farm world called Dantooine by Darth Traya along with Kavar and Vrook Lamar.
Ell was one of the Masters on the High Council throughout the Mandalorian Wars. He was also lone of the Masters that send away the Jedi Exile from the Jedi Order. His own Padawan fell to the dark side for the period of the Mandalorian Wars, but Master Ell did not fault his apprentice for choosing to go to war because he understands why his apprentice followed the Jedi that went to fight. When they banished the Exile from the Order, he thought that the Council had thrown away an unbelievable opportunity: to recognize why so many Jedi abscond the Order and see if there is something wrong with their tradition, knowledge and wisdom.
Zez-Kai Ell was additional frankly caring and thoughtful than some of this associate Jedi Masters, and was fast to status his idea that the Jedi Council's inaction led to Revan's fall--even going as far to say that blame was not only on the Jedi who left to fight, but on the Council as well. After the Jedi Civil War, he no longer considered himself a Jedi, claming to have left the Order in abhorrence with both the Jedi Order and himself. (Which I agree on his actions, except leaving the Order.)
Certainly, when the Exile met him, he appeared to have collapse into a menacing depression, displaying something close to a decease wish at times during their conversation. Despite this feeling of disillusionment, he still remained loyal to the Order, and continued to trust in Master Kavar's plan to draw out the Sith by searching the Exile.
Zez-Kai ell was a master of advanced Force forms and an expert at lightsaber combat, practicing Ataru, Shien, Niman and Juyo. He wielded a violet-colored double-bladed lightsaber. Signing off...
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