
The Miraluka

The Miraluka were a Near-Human, Force-sensitive group. Their words was Miralukese, even if some, like the Jedi named Visas Marr and the Dark Jedi Jerec, chosen Basic.
There adopt planet was Alpherdies, a world the Miraluka migrated to when their original home world was rendered in a state of disrepair. 3,952 Sith Lord Darth Nihilus in approximatleyBBY stripped a colony world of the Miraluka named Katarr of life, during Jedi convocation.

Miraluka were a caring, vigilant, and deliberative species. They had little attention in individual expand or glory. For social reasons, Miraluka hid their form by wearing a headdress, a mask or similar conceal head wear. In totaling all Miraluka were very combined by race. They called themselves "brothers" and were considered as
members of a grand family. As a Force-using species, Miraluka were often quite surprised if 'shown' life not connected to the Force. The Miraluka that lived on Katarr were firm adequate that even they felt the Battle of Malachor V.

Many Miraluka worshipped two gods, Ashla and Bogan, through the philosophy of The Superior Force. They did not believe in Good or Evil, but they are convinced to recognize both life and death.

Jerec, a Miraluka male and Dark Jedi since of their connection to the Force, many Miraluka have been drawn to the Jedi Order. Miraluka Jedi fought in the Great Sith War, and aided figure the Jedi Order for centuries to come. In the weakening days of the Republic, there were not only many Miraluka Jedi, but many Miraluka Sith were seemingly rare, as the species' own outlooks on life and the Force are mainly incompatible with Sith wisdom. However, as with all who feel the Force, a fall to dark is likely with the Miraluka just as it is with any other. Amongst the notable Miraluka was Visas Marr. She was the only survivor of the Devastation of Katarr and the companion of the Jedi Exile. Other Miraluka were Shoaneb Culu, a Jedi Shadow and the Dark Jedi Jerec, a member of the Inquisitorius. Signing off...


Force Concealment

Some Force Sensitives has this rare ability could use the Force to photo-kinetically bend the light and sound waves in his or her surroundings. Becoming stealth to others, two visually and through the power of the Force...

This power could be used to be hidden from beings such as the programmed droids and Yuuzhan Vong, beings normally resisting or in immunity to Force illusions. It demanded a best deal or meditation in order for this arrangement to be maintain and consumed more energy than ANY other Force techniques.

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The Animal Friendship!

Exciting news! The Animal Friendship (or Beast Control), was the Force ability to settle down an animal in peace. Once a creature calms, the animal would be controlled enough to be ridden. There was a Jedi Guardian named Anakin Skywalker who used this power to calm a reek in the Petranaki Arena, located at Geonosis in the Outer Rim. The Twi'lek Jedi Tott Doneeta also used Animal Friendship to befriend a mad Boma in his quest to find Princrss Galia on the world od Onderon. (Onderon is at the Mid Rim considered to be the most dangrous wildlife in the galaxy!)

Tott Doneeta rode the Boma into the Beast Riders' base before Ulic Qel-Droma and Cay Qel-Droma found the truth about Quenn Amanoa. Signing off...