
Force Rage

Force Rage, also known as Dark Rage or Force Enrage, was a dark side alter Force ability. The Force user would tap into his or her innermost fears, pain and hate, converting them into intense anger. The user could then channel the anger to increase his or her own speed, strength, and ferocity. However, the body could not handle such rage for long periods of time, so the user became greatly weakened for some time after the rage subsided.
If light side users wielded Force Rage, it could permanently disrupt their connection to the light side unless something happened to interrupt the Rage and bring them out of the d
ark side's grip. Therefore, the Rage could give the wielder an instantaneous physical and mental response, but pull them into deep depressions, physiological harm, and the endless void of the dark side.

Very few Jedi were capable of using and mastering Force Rage without falling to the dark side, including Kyle Katarn and Jaden Korr.

If you don't feel comfortable understanding this article, then visit this website: http://jediknight-kass.tripod.com/id4.html for more understanding the dark side power. Therefor, never learn this wicked power my students, they will lead you to destruction, wound in the force, or worse, bane. Signing off...


Force Valor

Force Valor was a light side Force power that increased the resolve,
accuracy, and speed of one's self and one's allies. Tapping into the Force, a Jedi could increase the rate at which one's capacities functioned, allowing the body to move more quickly, strike more powerfully, and fight with improved accuracy. The more wise, charismatic, and skilled the caster was, the more profound the effects of Force Valor were. Yoda used this ability to overcome the infirmities of old age, which was quite necessary for a practitioner of Form IV lightsaber combat. Luke Skywalker unknowingly used Force Valor in the Battle of Yavin. Other force users can accomplise this technie. Beleive me, Revan, Bastilla, and the Jedi Exile does these things. Signing off...


Master Zez-Kai Ell (3,951 BBY- 3916 BrS)

These are his words to the Jedi Exile: "It is easy to cast blame, but it is perhaps time the Order accepted responsibility for their teachings, and their arrogance, and come to recognize that perhaps we are flawed"

Zez-Kai Ell was a Jedi Master serving on the Jedi Council during the mass Mandalorian Wars. Zez-Kai Ell was close friends with a respectful Jedi Master and Council member Kavar. Unfortunately he was killed on the farm world called Dantooine by Darth Traya along with Kavar and Vrook Lamar.

Ell was one of the Masters on the High Council throughout the Mandalorian Wars. He was also lone of the Masters that send away the Jedi Exile from the Jedi Order. His own Padawan fell to the dark side for the period of the Mandalorian Wars, but Master Ell did not fault his apprentice for choosing to go to war because he understands why his apprentice followed the Jedi that went to fight. When they banished the Exile from the Order, he thought that the Council had thrown away an unbelievable opportunity: to recognize why so many Jedi abscond the Order and see if there is something wrong with their tradition, knowledge and wisdom.

Zez-Kai Ell was additional frankly caring and thoughtful
than some of this associate Jedi Masters, and was fast to status his idea that the Jedi Council's inaction led to Revan's fall--even going as far to say that blame was not only on the Jedi who left to fight, but on the Council as well. After the Jedi Civil War, he no longer considered himself a Jedi, claming to have left the Order in abhorrence with both the Jedi Order and himself. (Which I agree on his actions, except leaving the Order.)

Certainly, when the Exile met him, he appeared to have collapse into a menacing depression, displaying something close to a decease wish at times during their conversation. Despite this feeling of disillusionment, he still remained loyal to the Order, and continued to trust in Master Kavar's plan to draw out the Sith by searching the Exile.

Zez-Kai ell was a master of advanced Force forms and an expert at lightsaber combat, practicing Ataru, Shien, Niman and Juyo. He wielded a violet-colored double-bladed lightsaber. Signing off...



Good News! I have some new announcements to make. I have seen the increased of new students around the world visited my blog since October! If one of them is a 100th student. This will be supreme! Keep on sharing this website to your families and friends.

But I do have another good news! My second blog (http://howtocreatethings.blogspot.com/
), I will be posting new articles. In fact, I had just posted yesterday! Again, please share that website to your families and friends. Also, I have signed up the social network website called http://myblingubling.com/ (NOTICE: I have named myself Exile, not Jedi Guardian Spock)

If you want to look for me on that website of popularity, type in "Exile" in a search box. If you want to sign up, I will be greatly appreciate. Be size, we can be linked as friends & talk to each other on that website!

Thank you for reading this message. May the force be with you all in The Star Warz Blog. Signing off...


Kazdan Paratus

Kazadan Paratus was an Aleena Jedi Knight and The Jedi General who fought in the Clone Wars and survivrd Order 66. In his early life & work towards the Jedi Trials, Paratus did not possess the detachment most Jedi needed in order to pass the Jedi Trials, instead preferring to hole himself in his room and to build droids for the Jedi Temple, to help in training the Padawans. After accomplishing the Trials his his machines, Kazdan was appointed a Jedi Knight of the Republic.

During the last days of the Republic, Paratus was the Jedi Temple's head engineer and leader of the Technical division, a position the Jedi Council appointed to him due to his skills as an extraordinary droid maker. He was responsible for many exceptional and unique machines that were in possession of ab
ilities far higher those of average droids. He worked in seclusion on Coruscant until the Clone Wars broke out.

Refusing to pass up the opportunity to study the droids of the Separatists, Paratus lived life on the front lines, building medical and power droids as well as other machines designed to aid the Grand Army of the Republic. Eventually, he took command of a group of clone troopers that were mostly cut off in a disastrous campaign. That is due to these circumstances,
he was forced to create his own troops that consisted of combat droids that he assembled using makeshift parts. After a great battle, the Jedi Knight returned to the Temple a few days before the the dreadful execution of Order 66 against the Jedi.

With the activation of Order 66 & the subsequent execution of Operation: Knightfall, the Jedi Temple was sacked by the 501st Legion, led by none other than Darth Vader. In the face of this brutal carnage, Kazdan Paratus panicked and fled the Jedi Temple in a act of cowardice. He esca
ped Coruscant in a nondescript freighter with 7 droid prototypes in tow.

Paratus, wracked with guilt when he abandoned the Jedi, descended into insanity. Going into hiding on the waste-covered planet of Raxus Prime, he become a reclusive droid maker. Paratus built an army of personally customized combat droids to shield himself from invaders. creating such types as the Scrap Guardian, Junk golem & Junk Titan.
To increase his size and mobility, he designed four mechanical arms to wear on his back. While on the junkyard world (Raxus Prime), Paratus built a Jedi Temple from scratch out of refuse and made puppets of all the Jedi councilors for the Jedi Council Chamber* arming them with many melee weapons.

Approximately 16 years after Order 66, the insane Jedi was discovered by Darth Vader, who sent his apprentice, Galen Marek on a mission to eliminate the Aleena Jedi. Paratus noticed his ship landing and began to worry about what he should do. He consulted a metallic effigy of Yoda as to this matter and grew nervous after his silent "answer," moving his lightsaber from hand to hand.

After navigating the junk world, Marek arrived in Paratus's facsimile Temple and was confronted by a Junk Titan armed with 2 huge vibro-axes & a variety of weapons tipping his other arms. The Sith apprentice dodged blows from the junk warrior, & as the floor buckled under the Titan's weight, knocked off one of its weapons with a telekinectic punch. Dodging another attack by the golemm, slicing as he went, Marek removed more of its weapons. He rolled through the machine's legs & cut up its spine, scoring a insane blow.

Everyone, I have a video to show you below of Marek's battle with the Junk Titan, which you will see what it looks like in video than words upon this message. However this video content will show Kazdan Paratus's death by the gruesome hands of Vader's apprentice: (THIS VIDEO DOES NOT HAVE THE HIGH QUALITY OF VISUAL)

*If you don't know what the Consulars are, then seek the article called "Guardians, Sentinels, and the Consulars" in the month of October, Inside the Blog Archive.


The Jedi Temple in Raxus Prime

The Raxus Prime Jedi Temple was a unfinished do-it-yourself replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It was constructed by fugitive Kazdan Paratus, a Jedi Knight. Among the detritus of junk current on Raxus Prime stood a warped mirror of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This odd copy fed Kazdan Paratus's image that the Jedi will rise another time. A number of Junk versions of each Jedi Council member was there within the temple & stood as if they were alive.

After surviving Order 66 (originated by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious), Paratus fled from society to the compost planet Raxus Prime. Sorry to say, the loss of all he had ever known in life joined with his privacy on Raxus Prime, drove him insane. In a desperate attempt to cling to the Jedi Order, Paratus constructed a crude yet accurate replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant out if waste refuse on the planet surface. This Temple was protected by Junk golems that Paratus also built himself and included the 4 spires
of the Jedi, complete with a Jedi Council chamber & robotic Jedi Masters

* Next time I will post an article about the crazed Jedi Knight Kazdan Paratus within this week students. Signing off...



Hello again students! I trust that you all enjoy the Fourth Main Topic that I had posted yesterday. Today we are going to learn the Huttese language. Huttese was the local language of the Hutts, even though it was spoken by many races, particularly on Tatooine. Because of the Hutts' marketable and criminal control throughout the galaxy, Huttese was the second most common language after Galactic Basic, and serve as the lingua franca for the majority of the space nearby the Hutts' region.

This is the Huttese' words of Greetings to a human/humanoid:
  • Achuta 'Hello'
  • Gooddé da lodia! 'Good day to you!'
  • Ah'chu apenkee? 'Who are you?'
  • Bo shuda Greeting
  • Chowbaso 'Welcome'
  • Choy 'What?'
  • Dolpee kikyuna! 'I am a friend!'
  • Eniki 'Okay'
  • H'chu apenkee Greeting
  • Hi chuba da naga? 'What do you want?'
  • Kee chai chai cun kuta? 'What are you doing here?'
  • Waki mallya kuna chu chu? 'What do you do?'
  • Koona t'chuta? 'Going somewhere?'
  • Mee jewz ku 'Goodbye'
  • Sie batha ne beechee? 'Are you talking about me?'

Finally, these are their Counting in Huttese

  • Nobo 0 (Basic Value: 0)
  • Bo 1 (Basic Value: 1)
  • Dopa 2 (Basic Value: 2)
  • Duba 3 (Basic Value: 3)
  • Fwanna 4 (Basic Value: 4)
  • K'wanna 5 (Basic Value: 5)
  • Keeta 6 (Basic Value: 6)
  • Goba 7 (Basic Value: 7)
  • Hunto 10 (Basic Value: 8)
  • Beeska 11 (Basic Value: 9)
  • Boboba 12 (Basic Value: 10)
  • Goboba 13 (Basic Value: 11)
  • Jojoba 14 (Basic Value: 12)
  • Soboba 15 (Basic Value: 13)
  • Koboba 16 (Basic Value: 14)
  • Foboba 17 (Basic Value: 15)
  • Donocha 20 (Basic Value: 16)
  • Honocha 21 (Basic Value: 17)
  • Bohonocha 22 (Basic Value: 18)
  • Dohonocha 23 (Basic Value: 19)
  • Duhonocha 24 (Basic Value: 20)
  • Jujumon 144 (Basic Value: 100)

signing off...


Main Topic: Formation of the Republic


The Pre Republic (also known as the Early Hyperspace Age) was the period before the formation of the Galactic Republic. It included the formation and evolution of all the species of the galaxy, the dawn of their civilizations and their first developments in space travel, and ended in approximately 25,053 BBY when the Republic was founded.

Pre-Republic history was largely dominated by ancient and mysterious species who developed interstellar travel long before Humans and other, more well-known species. Such species included the Columi, Killiks, and Rakata. The names and histories of some of these species have been entirely lost to time, including the Celestials and Architects. In their travels about the galaxy, many of these civilizations affected the evolution and cultural development of the more primitive species that would later dominate galactic affairs. Some built massive, mysterious structures for these and other purposes, including Centerpoint Station, the Maw, and the Star Forge.


In the beginning, there was the Big Bang. Eventually, the galaxy and life on its planets came into being. For billions of years, those species evolved and formed civilizations, and eventually a few took to the stars. These first spacefarers have been forgotten, their only legacy the large artificial structures they left behind. The Corellian system was an artificial creation from this era, and the Drall and Selonians were transplanted by one of these unknown species to planets within the system. The presence of certain flora and fauna on many different worlds, such as the bantha, was likely also due to the intervention of these advanced species. The ancient species of the galaxy took a hand in the shaping of many worlds as well; Kashyyyk and Tatooine were two such planets whose biospheres were manipulated by these civilizations. Some time after this, the Devaronians became one of the first identified species to develop space travel. For a time little happened on a galactic scale; species such as the Gree and Columi rose briefly before disappearing again.

In 36,453 BBY, philosophers and scientists from several star systems had gathered on Tython to share mystical knowledge, and the The Force was discovered, which the Tythonian scholars called Ashla.


The first known civilization to seize power on a large scale was the Rakatan Infinite Empire. By 30,000 BBY it reached its peak, spanning worlds as far apart as Dantooine and Honoghr, although in actual number, it was composed of relatively few planets. The Rakata embraced slavery to fuel their Empire, ruling tyrannically over many species, including the Ghorfa, Selkath, and Humans. As a monument to their power, they built the Star Forge, an artifact of the dark side that powered their vast war machine.

Meanwhile, on Tython, an equally important development was occurring. In 25,793 BBY, some of the mystics wished to use the power of the Force to increase their own stature, and the followers of the Bogan, as they called it, soon found themselves in conflict with the followers of the Ashla, and soon Tython was engulfed in the Force Wars. By 25,783 BBY, the side of the Ashla won, and in the wake of the war, they formed themselves into an order of monastic knights dedicated to the principles of peace and harmony. The Jedi had been born.

The Infinite Empire soon found itself stretched too far, and the aggression that powered it turned the Rakata on themselves. A slave revolt throughout the Empire, a plague that killed only Rakata, and a civil war that broke out on their homeworld of Lehon quickly sped the Empire to its collapse around 25,200 BBY. Free from Rakatan oppression, the former slave species of Humans and Duros developed rapidly, adopting abandoned Rakatan technology to speed innovation along. Within 200 years, hyperspace travel made it feasible to travel quickly, cheaply, and conveniently between planets across the galaxy.

In 25,130 BBY in the Outer Rim Territories, the warlord Xim came to power in the Tion Cluster. He unified its governments into a highly expansionist empire and set about conquering its neighbors. As he reached the Si'Klaat Cluster, this brought him into conflict with the Hutts, whom he fought to a standstill at the First and Second Battles of Vontor. The Hutts signed the Treaty of Vontor with the native species of the Si'Klaata Cluster, recruiting them to fight Xim. When they fought again at the Third Battle of Vontor, Xim was finally defeated and captured.

The species of the galaxy were ready to unite. The hyperdrive had been perfected and the Core Worlds were freely accessible. The Unification Wars were the last major conflict before this could happen, and in their wake, the Galactic Republic was created with the signing of the Galactic Constitution. It was followed by the Expansionist Era.

The Galactic Republic

The Galactic Republic was the galactic government prior to the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. Although it was commonly known as the Old Republic, this was not so until the establishment of the Empire; its name when it existed was the Galactic Republic, or simply the Republic. Rarely, it was referred to as the First Republic. At times, the term Old Order was used to describe it.

The Republic, led by a Supreme Chancellor, had a supposedly democratic government that was able to sustain itself for over twenty-five thousand years. It is said that its complete history would "fill a thousand libraries".

In its latest years, it was a benevolent—though ineffectual—government tied up in layers of bureaucracy.

The Republic was born with the signing of the Galactic Constitution 25,053 BBY, during the Unification Wars. During that time, the Humans and Duros, reverse-engineering the-Force -based technologies of the Rakata, invented the hyperdrive, allowing Coruscant to become the capital of the Galactic Republic and would remain that way for twenty-five thousand years. The Republic was created by the Core Founders. Unbeknownst to even the Jedi Masters, the GenoHaradan began to secretly protect the newly formed galactic goverment.

Shortly after the formation of the Republic, the Perlemian Trade Route was mapped, linking Coruscant to Ossus, and bringing the Jedi Knights into the Republic. Over the next millennia, the Corellian Run was mapped, linking Coruscant to Corellia and beyond. The wedge defined by the two trade routes became known as "the Slice." Since the stretch of hyperspace galactic-west of Coruscant was anomaly-ridden and impassible for then current Republic technology , the government expanded eastward, instead. The Core Worlds' portion of the Slice was known as the Arrowhead, and soon the Republic expanded into the Colonies.

Though history often recalls the Republic as peaceful, numerous galactic conflicts; such as the Hundred-Year Darkness, the Old Sith Wars, the Vultar Cataclysm, the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the New Sith Wars, and the Clone Wars—occurred throughout its 25,034 year history.

At first, the government on Coruscant wished for slow expansion, despite its promotion of hyperspace exploration. However, against the government's wishes, the membership of the Republic boomed for its first millennium of existence, mainly due to worlds wishing to join as protection against the Hutt Empire.

For years, the Jedi Knights and the ancient armies and navies of the Republic defended against violence. Around 24,500 BBY, the First Great Schism occurred, after the Legions of Lettow were established by dissident Jedi who believed that true power was achieved not through passive meditation, as taught by their Jedi Masters, but through emotion. The tension between the Jedi and these dissident Fallen Jedi, led first by Xendor, and then after Xendor's death, by Arden Lyn, grew until conflict erupted.

In 24,000 BBY, the Republic entered into a war with the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion. The war traveled up and down the Perlemian, and the respective capitals of Coruscant and Desevro both suffered volleys of pressure bombs. The Republic eventually won the war by stirring up the Hutts against the Tionese. Within a century, most of the Tion Cluster swore allegiance to Coruscant, except for Desevro, which chose to remain independent.

During the Great Manifest Period (20,000 BBY–17,000 BBY), the Republic expanded eastwards across the galaxy. Despite this, the Slice would remain the heart of navigable space. Eventually, the Republic expanded past the galactic-northern and -southern borders of the Slice, though most of the galaxy was still unknown, except for outposts such as Ord Mantell (12,000 BBY) and Malastare (8,000 BBY). The space west of Coruscant still remained unexplored since analogues to the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run in that direction still had not been discovered. Worse, progress was limited to dangerous one- or two-light-year jumps into a stretch of hyperspatial anomalies. During this period, the Expansion Region was formed. However, this region suffered greatly as a result of the Alsakan attempting to snatch control of the Republic from Coruscant. This resulted in seventeen Alsakan Conflicts, spanning from 17,000 BBY to 3,000 BBY. However, most of the fighting took place between their holdings in the Expansion Region, rather than in the Core itself. Needless to say, Coruscant won every conflict it fought.

During this period, the First Arkanian Conflict also took place. The Arkanian geneticists also began a series of genetic experiments of other sentient species, most notably bundling away several six-armed Xexto from Troiken, and transforming them into a new species known as the Quermians.

In 15,500 BBY, after a disastrous first contact, Coruscant was assaulted by Star Dragons in the Duinuogwuin Conflict. The conflict was peacefully resolved by Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and the Star Dragon philosopher Borz'Mat'oh, who together founded the University of Coruscant. At some time prior to 12,000 BBY, the Galactic Museum was established on Coruscant.

Around 12,000 BBY, Contispex became Supreme Chancellor. He and his descendants belonged to the theocratic Pius Dea cult that would control the Republic for the next 1,000 years. These fanatic Supreme Chancellors sanctioned "crusades" against rival alien sects in the Rim. After 11,000 BBY the cult may have violently dissolved. The tensions from the fallout of the crusades would deepen the rifts between the Core Worlds and those of the Rim, which Emperor Palpatine would exploit during his reign millennia later.

Around 9,000 BBY, Blotus the Hutt became Supreme Chancellor and ruled the Galactic Republic for 275 years during the Rianitus Period. Unlike most other Hutts, Blotus was a distinguished and just ruler. At least by 7,308 BBY, the Galactic Standard Calendar was fixed.

In 7,003 BBY, the Second Great Schism occurred when a group of fallen Jedi discovered a Force technique that could alter lifeforms. This started the centuries-long Hundred-Year Darkness, which saw the creation of monstrous creatures, most notably the serpentine Leviathans, which drew life-energies into blister-traps on their backs. At the Battle of Corbos in 6,900 BBY, the Jedi crushed the rebellion and banished these fallen Jedi from known space. However, the fallen Jedi discovered Ziost, a desolate world inhabited by the relatively primitive but unusually Force-sensitive Sith people.

Using their training in the Force, the fallen Jedi amazed the Sith and elevated themselves to god-like status on nearby Korriban, becoming the rulers of the Sith people. As years passed, and interbreeding occurred between the fallen Jedi and the Sith, the term "Sith" came to mean not only the original inhabitants of Korriban and Ziost, but also their fallen Jedi masters.


In 5,000 BBY, the Jedi and the Sith Empire clashed in the Great Hyperspace War. Many worlds were forever scarred in that battle, but the Jedi were able to repulse the invaders. After that, the Republic granted the Jedi land over a Force nexus: a sacred mountain on Coruscant.

In 4,250 BBY, the Third Great Schism occurred, which involved fighting on Coruscant. The surviving Dark Jedi were forced to flee to the Vultar system, where they discovered ancient technology indicating that the system's worlds were artificial constructs, probably the creations of the mysterious Celestials who had also built the Corellian system. These Dark Jedi took over these machines, including the Cosmic Turbine, but could not control them, and soon destroyed the whole system and everything in them during the Vultar Cataclysm. In 4,019 BBY, four Jedi Masters (two Warrior Masters and two Sage Masters) established the ziggurat of the Jedi Temple over the Force nexus on Coruscant, which would stand for over four thousand years.

The Old Sith Wars

The year 4,015 BBY saw the Great Droid Revolution on Coruscant, led by HK-01, who was eventually defeated by Arca Jeth and the Jedi. During the conflict, Arca Jeth discovered techniques for disabling machines through the use of the Force.

Following those conflicts were those of the Old Sith Wars of c.4,000 BBY which almost destroyed the Republic. During the Great Sith War (4,000 BBY–3,996 BBY), the Sith Lords Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, along with their Krath and Mandalorian allies, waged war on the Republic, causing devastation until they were defeated by the combined Jedi and Republic forces. Afterward, the Great Hunt (3,995–3,993 BBY) and the Cleansing of the Nine Houses occurred.


These would be followed by the Mandalorian Wars (3,966—3,960 BBY). They were fought between Mandalorian forces hoping to expand their colonies beyond the Outer Rim Territories and the Galactic Republic, which feared further incursions. The Mandalorian Wars were a prelude to the more devastating Jedi Civil War (3,959 BBY–3,956 BBY). The Jedi Civil War, also known to some as the War of the Star Forge, was fought between the Republic and the Sith Empire under Darth Revan and Darth Malak. It was possibly the most destructive conflict of that entire era, with many worlds, including Taris, Dantooine, and Telos IV, being devastated by the Sith fleet.

In 3,900 BBY, Queen Elsinore den Tasia of the Core World of Grizmallt sponsored an expansion fleet of three vessels—Beneficent Tasia, Constant, and Mother Vima. This fleet was led by the Republic explorer Kwilaan, and would discover the planet Naboo.

From 3,970 BBY – 3,670 BBY, the Kanz Disorders took place in the Kanz Sector. During that time, the Provisional Governor Myrial of Argazda seceded from the Republic and established a military regime throughout the Kanz Sector. During the conflict that followed, her military forces invaded planets that resisted her reign throughout the Kanz Sector, including Lorrd. She often enslaved their inhabitants, most notably the Lorrdians of Lorrd.

The enslaved Lorrdians were forbidden by their masters from communicating with each other. As a result, they were forced to develop a system of subtle gestures, facial expressions, and body postures to talk to each other. This nonverbal form of communication would still be in use over four millennia later. After three centuries and the loss of over five billion lives, including those of some 500 million Lorrdians, the Kanz Disorders finally ended when Jedi/Republic efforts toppled the regime in 3,670 BBY.

Symbol of the Republic during the Sith Empire's return.

In 3,681 BBY, the Sith Empire returned to wage war against the Republic in the Great War. The War greatly weakened the Republic, culminating in the Sacking of Coruscant and the Treaty of Coruscant. As a result of the War and its subsequent treaty, which left the Republic in an unfavorable position, many star systems began withdrawing from the Republic. The Republic was plagued with an insurmountable supply crisis and chaos on the streets of Coruscant – the Senate was left paralyzed. The Treaty of Coruscant also forced the Republic to abandon many long-time allies, including the Bothans. Confused by the chaos, the insolvent Senate blamed the War and its current problems on the Jedi, sparking a feud with the Order that saw their departure from Coruscant and relocation to Tython. After the Great War, the Cold War began.

In 3,000 BBY, the 17th Alsakan Conflict ended with the final defeat of Alsakan, and the introduction of the Invincible-class Dreadnaught into the Republic fleet. Also, the pioneer woman and Brentaal native Freia Kallea discovered the Hydian Way, which spanned the entire north-south width of the galaxy. This allowed the Republic to expand past the Slice into the worlds of the Mid and Outer Rims, and also led to the discovery of more hyperspace routes, including the Corellian Trade Spine, thus starting the Second Expansion.


The Lost Twenty

The Lost Twenty, earlier known as The Lost, was the name particular to the Jedi Masters who had voluntarily resigned their charge and left the Jedi Order, usually over ideological differences. LOST

One of the original members of the Lost Twenty was the Umbaran Jedi Master Phanius, who eventually became Darth Ruin, the first Dark Lord of the Sith in the New Sith Empire. Over time more would leave; twelve by 990 BBY.

The twentieth member of this group was Master Dooku, who left the Jedi Order in 32 BBY and became, unbeknownst to the Order until too late, Darth Tyranus.

Despite never having attained the rank of Jedi Master, Darth Vader considered himself to be the twenty-first member of this group.

Thracia Cho-Leem, the Master of Vergere, was not counted among the Lost Twenty, despite leaving the Order as a Jedi Master. The reasons for this are unknown. Some think this was because she stayed on the light side, though she never returned to the Jedi Order.

Along with the most venerable Masters, the Lost were remembered in the form of busts in the Jedi Archive ; a reminder of the Jedi's greatest failures, though the Jedi did not fault the individuals for leaving. On each bust's pedestal, the great deeds of the Master it commemorated were listed, though it gave no cite of why he or she left the Order.



Greetings once again students! I have posted 4 new questions below. It is still part of the "fun and things". If you can answer them carefully in limited time. You will find out what is the right answers in near future. Please choose the 4 answers students. I would be greatly appreciated!

By the mean time. Soon I will post another Main Topic this month of November. This Topic however is based from the book I have from the Jedi Archive. There I will talk about the "Builders" and "Galactic Republic" I will do my best to simplify the wordings in order for you to understand. Don't forget to click this great website at http://www.starwarsdotcom.com/_games/guess/main.html.

That is all the announcements for today. May the force be with you. Signing off...


Jedi Civil War

Hello Students, I trust of your training of the force and the knowledge in this blog helps you completely. Though in the month of October, there is an increase of 13 brand new students the visited here and join in! By the help of a young Padawan named Jasmin. Congratulations Jasmin! May the force go well all of you students.

Now, I had study huge research of the Jedi Civil War. How dreadful this war had brought to a close collapse of the Republic! You know, too me it wasn't easy to understand all the details in different website. So I simplify it, in order for you students to see a bigger picture. Remember, any information of the galactic history that it brief, it is quite benefiting to get to the main point, rather than explain everything. Such has the article I posted last month, the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Shortly after the Great Sith War, the leftovers of the Mandalorians sensed failing or weakness in the Republic and decided to assault. A long and bloody war followed between the Jedi and the Mandolorians, but in the end the Jedi prevailed. The 2 Jedi named Revan and Malak led a Republic armada to the outer rim and successfully wiped out the Mandalorians. At the end of the war, Revan and Malak were valued as heroes.

Sadly, though, the Republic didn’t know that their Jedi heroes were destined to become two of the most brutal Sith Lords ever known. While in deep space, the two Jedi landed on Korribann and uncovered many secrets of the Sith. Corrupted by their new found knowledge and the brutality of the war they had just won, the two Jedi renounced the Order, became Sith and changed their names to Darth Revan and Darth Malak -- master and apprentice!

The two Sith Lords had the devotion of Jedi and Republic forces that they led to destroy the Mandalorians. They took there new Sith fleet and waged a two-year war on the Republic's territories in the Outer Rim.

Eventually, power hungry Darth Malak tried to demolish both his master Revan and the Jedi. His plan failed, but it did allow the Jedi to capture Revan alive.

The Jedi wiped the Sith master's memory, brainwashing and retraining Revan as a Jedi. In a most atypical move, the Jedi Council accepted the use of Revan as a pawn to find the renegade Sith Lord Darth Malak.

Eventually Revan tracked Malak to Star Forge and defeated him in a lightsaber duel. It is possibility that Revan used all the Jedi Forms in his training. There are Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien / Djem So, Niman, Juyo, Sokan and such other scales of forms.

After that Revan disappeared. The Sith were once again defeated. Hopefully this article helps you to understand more fully in this website. If you have any questions, please chat with me or leave a comment. Signing off...