
The Discovery of Anakin's father...

Students! I just found a discovery but I think it's a jackpot. More important than any star wars characters. Not even the Jedi Exile. It is possible, that Anakin has a hidden father somewhere in the galaxy. And that father.... is Darth Plagueis.

Darth Plagueis the Wise considered to be a non-famous Sith. But he is the one who can form life by influence the midichlorians to create life. However. Qui-Gon Jinn visit Tatooine (because his ship is damage) and visit Anakin Skywalker as a child. I believe in Episode I, Obi-Wan was in the ship researching, and found the unusually high midi-chlorian count and powerful connection to the Force. Jedi and Qui-Gon reflect the prophecy that Anakin is maybe the "Chosen One" to bring balance to the force!

You may think its false that Plagueis is Anakin's father. But remember this: "according to the Sith Lords, it was Plagueis who influenced the midi-chlorians to conceive Anakin Skywalker". Plaguies also he teach his apprentice, Darth Sidious. Sidious mentions something to Anakin during the opera scene that his master learned to create life while studying the Dark Side.

And he mention his second apprentice as well, Darth Tyranus.

More Infomation? Don't worry students. I just pulled out one of the recent article that I found from the archives. Read this carefully:

"Plagueis' experiments in creating life may have succeeded. It was speculated that Plagueis initiated his plans before dying, and according to the Sith Lords, it was Plagueis who influenced the midi-chlorians to conceive Anakin Skywalker. Though Plagueis purportedly taught Palpatine all he knew, Palpatine himself was unable to use Plagueis' teachings to cheat death through the Force, and was forced to rely on clone bodies to hold his spirit instead.

Sidious spoke little of Plagueis to his apprentice Darth Tyranus, and in the following decades only gave hints to his apprentice Darth Vader. However, he did use Plagueis' story to seduce Anakin Skywalker into becoming Vader. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, Palpatine's Sith legend, told of Plagueis' abilities to create and preserve life; according to Palpatine, the tragic irony was that though he could keep others from dying, he could not save himself. Skywalker, seeking Plagueis' power to save his own wife Padmé, later apprenticed himself to Palpatine.

When historians in later years were unable to find much information on Plagueis, they suspected that Palpatine had destroyed everything about his master. The Ingo Wavlud Manuscript, one of the few sources of knowledge for the Jedi on the Sith and Sidious, revealed information on Plagueis to the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order".

Signing off....


1 comment:

JessicaZ said...

I just read about this theory from your blog and from YouTube users....really fascinating, isn't it? I am even starting to think that from Darth Plagueis, Palpatine learned how to control Anakin's dreams about the death of his mother and wife, Padme. Why did his mother die at the exact moment Anakin showed up...too much of a coincidence.