
The Way of the Sith.

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be 'unnatural'."
So you want the taste of the dark side? You betrayed me! Just kidding. Although I needed to post some articles and websites that does bring about the Sith. I organised it very well. I have the link right here: http://jediknight-kass.tripod.com/id4.html
Before you look into it, this link will bring out two different version of the Sith Code. There are similar to the Jedi Code. But the Sith Code feed emotions, not Jedi. There are list of Sith force powers and lightsabers. Did you know that there Sith forms or attacks they used is from the teachings of the Jedi? Did you also know there is a Bounty Hunter Code? More exiting things that I will post will come in a near future.
Have fun young Jedi's! Signing off...

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