Naga Sadow was The Dark Lord of the Sith He ruled approximately a thousand years before the time of Exar Kun. A member of an elite priesthood of pure Sith blood." At the funeral of the previous Dark Lord of the Sith, Sadow chalenged his arch-rival, Ludo Kressh, for the title of the next Dark Lord. Sadow felt the Sith Empire was stagnating and should expand its territory, while Kressh wanted a more isolationist approach to governing the Sith Empire. The duel was interupted by the arrival of Gav & Jori Daragin, unlucky explorers that hyperspaced to the wrong place. Kressh wanted them executed as precursors to an invasion, but Sadow saw it as an oportunity to expand the Sith Empire. Gav and Jori waited in their cells, sentenced to be executed, despairing . . . not realizing that they had become pawns of a Sith Lord. With his fierce loyal Massassi warriors, Naga Sadow secretly stole strange Republic weaponry from Gav and Jori's impounded ship, Starbreaker 12, and staged a commando raid to free the prisoners, killing a prominent Sith Lord in the process. Sadow whisked them off to his private fortress. The Sith Lords were thrown into an uproar, seeing the weapons, the evidence, and assuming they had been attacked by Republic forces. In turmoil, they turned to Naga Sadow for leadership and named him the Dark Lord of the Sith. Outraged, Ludo Kressh stormed off, taking his supporters with him. Discovering Sadow's trickery, Kressh mounted an armed rebellion against the evil Dark Lord, vowing to fight to save the Sith Empire from Sadow's reckless plans. While attacking Sadow's decoy fortress on Khar Shian, Kressh had inadvertantly waltzed into an ambush set by the Dark Lord. With Ludo Kressh out of the way, Naga Sadow rallied all the Sith Lords for the comming conquest. During Kressh's attack, Sadow had tricked Jori into fleeing back to the Republic without her brother, who was being held elsewhere, and with a hidden homing beacon led Naga Sadow right to the Republic. He began teaching the Force-sensitive Gav Sith magic, and later gave him command of the Sith invasion fleet; Sadow himself would watch the battle from his meditation sphere orbiting Primus Goluud, where he used forbidden Sith magic to rally his forces and create the illusion of a more massive invasion force than it actually was. But Gav could not stand being the commander causing all the death and destruction, and instead attacked Sadow himself. With his meditation sphere damaged, his Massassi armies began losing, and the Republic fleet set out to hunt down Sadow. Causing the Primus Goluud star to explode, Sadow tried to hide his escape back to the Sith Empire. In Sadow's absence, Ludo Kressh retook control of the Sith Empire and had his fleet waiting for Sadow's return. But Kressh's fleet was still no match for Sadow's already depleated fleet. Just as Sadow destroyed Kressh's ship, and Ludo Kressh with it, the Republic fleet arrived, led there by Jori. "He escaped across the galaxy, engaging Republic gunships in a cataclysmic battle at the Denarii Nova.Eventually, he and his followers ended up on Yavin Four, with his followers devolving into the primitive Massassi warriors over the centuries."
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