Gav Daragon was a male Human hyperspace traveler who lived in the years up to and during the Great Hyperspace War. After his parents, Hok and Timar Daragon, died while running materials to beset soldiers on Kirrek, Daragon and his sister, Jori Daragon, innate the Starbreaker 12, one of their parents' ships, and began careers as hyperspace trailblazers. However, problem with creditors forced them to flee their home, Koros Major, and take a blind hyperspace jump into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy to avoid assassins and the authorities. When they pulled out of hyperspace they stumble upon the well-known Sith Empire, which had been vanished for millennia. Although the Daragons tried to keep the meeting with the Sith diplomatic, he and his sister were jailed by the reigning Dark Lords.
Although the two were due to be executed, they were rescued by one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the Sith Empire, Naga Sadow. Gav and Jori Daragon were hidden in Sadow's secret stronghold on Khar Shian, where Sadow exposed Daragon's Force-sensitivity and began to educate him in the dark side of the Force. Sadow was expansionist, and preached to Daragon that he would assist the Sith in a coming war with the Galactic Republic. Meanwhile, Sadow was in a power clash with another Sith Lord, Ludo Kressh (Sadow’s rival), leading Kressh to attack Sadow in the Battle of Khar Delba. Sadow was successful, and in the chaos he allowed Jori to escape in the Starbreaker 12. With nothing standing in his way, Sadow placed his new trainee Daragon in charge of the Sith fleets, and launched a two-pronged attack on the Galactic Republic, with major battles on Coruscant and the Koros system.
Daragon personally command the attack on Koros Major, but hoping to find his sister on the planet below, took a dropship down to his previous home city, Cinnagar. Daragon sought help from an old acquaintance, Aarrba, the owner of Aarrba's Repair Dock, but the old Hutt just spat in his face. Interpreting this move as an attack, Daragon's guards slay the Hutt; as a shocked Daragon stood over Aarrba's body, Jori, who blamed him for Aarrba’s death, confronted him. Overwhelmed by emotion, Daragon fled from his sister, and returned to his flagship. No longer loyal to Naga Sadow, and feeling that he needed to put a stop to the violence, Daragon went to Primus Goluud, where Sadow was sheltered in his Sith Meditation Sphere, conjuring illusions for the war effort. Daragon fired on Sadow, breaking his concentration; however, Sadow was able to convince Daragon to meet him together. When Daragon arrived on the meditation sphere, he realizes he had been tricked; the broken sphere was empty. The Koros fleet soon arrived in-system, along with Jori, and Daragon gave them the match to the Sith Empire's home worlds. Gav telling his sister goodbye, Daragon was soon killed by solar flares summon by Sadow, when he use the force. The Koros military would take Daragon's coordinates and attacked Sadow at Korriban, steering him and conclusion the Great Hyperspace War. Signing off…
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