The Daragons accidentally discovered a trail that took them to the Sith world of Korriban. They were imprisoned by the Sith and taken to the planet Ziost for interrogation.
Eventually, they were sentenced to death by the Sith, but Naga Sadow sprang them from prison and took them to his own fortress. Sadow hoped to convince the other Sith that the Daragons were the precursor for a Republic invasion, as that would give him the support of the other Sith Lords for his plan to invade Republic space.
When Sadow's rival, Ludo Kressh, attacked Sadow's fortress, Jori took the Starbreaker 12 and escaped back to Republic space, knowing that the she was the only means of warning the Republic of a Sith invasion. Little did she know that Sadow had placed a homing device on her ship and was planning on following the Starbreaker 12's course.
She returned to the Koros system and, after overcoming arrest and incarceration for various crimes, managed to get an audience with Empress Teta, leader of the Koros system, and several prominent Jedi Masters, including Memit Nadill and Odan-Urr. Jori's warning came in time for a successful last-ditch defense to be mounted against the oncoming Sith armada. However, Gav was aiding the Sith fleet and when Jori encountered him on Cinnagar, she chased her brother, trying to stop him.

Although Gav eventually turned on the Sith, Naga Sadow had him killed over Primus Goluud. However, Jori survived the war, and since one of its casualties had been Aarrba, she took over ownership of the Hutt's repair dock.
Jori Daragon was impulsive and impetuous, and willing to take great risks without concern for her own safety or future consequences. She was willing to commit a large number of crimes in an attempt by her and her brother to break out of their destitute circumstances. She was also easily upset, being drawn to tears on numerous occasions. Her brother, and to a lesser extent, her ship, the Starbreaker 12, were the two main things she prioritized after the death of her parents. She often lamented the injustice of her and Gav's situation, being less optimistic than her brother. She was also naïve, believing that people, including Naga Sadow, were as sincere as she was. She was determined to do what she felt was the right thing, even risking her life for an audience with Empress Teta to deliver a warning about the Sith threat.
This, was partially motivated out of her care for Gav, who was still a prisoner of the Sith Lords. When she found Gav friended with the Sith, she was afraid and felt betrayed, but held out hope for him. The loss of her brother affected her emotionally,and for her the victory in the Great Hyperspace War was bittersweet and caused her to be more contrite. She was gladdened to take ownership of Aarrba's Repair Dock, though, feeling that it was what Gav and even Aarrba would have wanted.
Jori, like her brother Gav, was Force-sensitive, but was never trained as a Jedi out of a desire to make money as a hyperspace explorer. However, in combat, she was capable of wielding a lightsaber, though she had never done so, and cut down several Massassi warriors in Cinnagar. She was also a pilot, eluding spaceport authorities and Sith patrols on 7 occasions, as well as helping map new hyperspace routes.

Years after her lifetime, Jori Daragon was remembered for her role in starting the Great Hyperspace War, including in a compilation of Jedi history and lore created by Jedi Tionne Solusar in 40 ABY. In the years after the Daragons, some historians pointed out that the Great Hyperspace War might have been avoided had Jedi Odan-Urr not saved the Daragons from Kahorr's assassins, but Solusar believed that the Daragons could not be held responsible for the start of the war. Their role was long remembered throughout history for blazing what was considered one of the most remarkable hyperlanes of the Old Republic era. The hyperlane, named the Daragon Trail, provided a passage directly from the Deep Core to Sith space.
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