What is a Living Force?
The Living Force was viewed has both the Dark & Light side. The Jedi always had to remember of their actions to resist the temptations of the Darth Path. Through following the Living Force, several Jedi were able to retain their identities after their physical death, becoming one with the Force and able to manifest themselves as Force spirits or ghosts. Proponents of the Living Force view, such as Qui-Gon Jinn, espoused a philosophy of "living in the moment," relied on their instincts heavily and they concentrated more on sensitivity to living things, rather than fulfilling destiny, which was one of the main tenets of the Unifying Force philosophy.
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Raven's Claw

Raven's Claw is Kyle Katarn's ship.
Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn continuous their career as mercenaries and fought their battles against the Imperial Remnant soaring this ship. Jan Ors was it seems that the pilot, who was said to be an improved pilot than her friend. It was Jan's job, when she was not next assignment objectives with Kyle, to make sure that he could be pulled out as hastily as likely should the procedure turn distressed. This method nearly, roughly, charge Jan Ors life, when Desann and Tavion Axmis found and abducted her, compelling Katarn to obtain up his neglected Force control and return to the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan.
After Katarn started his search for Desann, Master Luke Skywalker promised him to take care of the Raven's Claw during his search. After Desann's death of Yavin 4, Katarn and Jan Ors sustained to fly the Raven's Claw
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The Old Republic MMO Web Documentary
I encourage you all to share this blog to your friends and families. Today I have found great information of the incoming game, (or maybe not, if I'm wrong, please comment this topic). This game is titled "The Old Republic" Here's 5 minute video below to watch the MMO Web Documentary power by Youtube.
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The Rising Meditation

Greetings! Students, please read this amazing Jedi technique that I have learned from my master! Here it reads:
Rising Meditation was a Jedi meditation technique where one meditated while using the Force to rise 7 inches off the ground. This technique was used by Dark Lord Revan, when he was being re-trained at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, where he floated himself, and several objects such as chairs and a datapad, during meditation. Bastila Shan would use this power during her Battle Meditation. Barriss Offee also used this technique often. Galen Marek used this meditation in order to find Vader. Luke Skywalker used this technique while being imprisoned by the Joiners Woteba. Then, Jacen Solo meditated this way, believing that contact with the ground could prove distracting.
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Thule, A Semi-Arid Planet
Thule was on the northern frontier of Xim's empire.
After the Great Hyperspace War, several Sith survivors fled to the world, where they would remain for generations, waiting for their revenge of the Jedi and the Republic. They established a military dictatorship, ruled by an oligarchy of 8 generals,
Ulic fought on Thule during the Great Sith War, during which time the Dark Reaper was buried on the world. With the rise of Darth Revan's empire, Thule was absorbed into its boarders. At some point after, but before the 7th Battle of Ruushan, a group of Sith established a colony of Chiss on Thule, for reasons undetermined.
In 22 B.B.Y. Dooku went to Thule to revive the Dark Reaper in an attempt to destroy the Republic during the Clone Wars. A planetary shield enveloped the planet Thule, projected by the small moon Sivvi orbiting it. An attack led by the Republic resulted in the Battle of Thule and the destruction of the Dark Reaper.
Hopefully this information that I am teaching you about the planet Thule helps you fully. This "Thule" is truly the dark world, the history of the Sith, do not be tempted the ways of the Dark Side. Signing off...
The Dark Reaper Project

The Dark Reaper had not been seen in millennia, but Count Dooku knew that some Force spirits persisted even after death. Count sent a Trade Federation fleet to frozen Rhen Var to secure Ulic Qel-Droma's crypt. Guided by the ancient Jedi ghost, Dooku began excavating for the buried Force Harvester on Raxus Prime.
The Jedi Council mobilized an attack. Marching through a forest of rusted girders, the Republic's new AT-XT scout walkers blasted Separatist mortar tanks, while nimble Jedi hovertanks cleared out gun turrents. When Dooku made an appearance, Anakin chased him aboard a starship, which then blasted into orbit. Left behind, Obi-Wan defeated the Count's going-away present: a giant, crablike siege weapon called protodeka. On board Dooku's vessel Anakin sat in a holding cell, having fallen victim to a sneak attack by Dooku's mercenary Cydon Prax. Soon the ship reached the Wookie colony of Alaris Prime, where Count Dooku tested his Force Harvester. Anakin escaped only centimeters ahead of the weapon's shock wave, and sent an SOS to the Republic. By the time a clone legion arrived, Anakin had Alaris Prime well on its way to freedom.
Now, Dooku unleashed the Force Harvester on Mon Calamari, Bakura, and Agamar. The Republic counterattacked on Thule, a crumbling world that had once used to be a Sith World! The Republic army advanced on the old Sith city of Kesiak, but the deadliest weapon in their arsenal proved to be Anakin Skywalker. When Cydon Prax destroyed Mace Windu's vehicle in a tank-versus-tank showdown. Anakin killed Cydon in a fusillade of energy darts. Anakin then penetrated the Dark Reaper and destroyed the alchemical monstrosity with old-fashioned Republic ordnance.
Though counted as a victory, the Republic's preoccupation with the Dark Reaper allowed the Separatists to seize Bespin's Tibanna gas refineries as well as the historical Jedi stronghold of Ossus.

Greetings today Students! I know that you have enjoyed learning about the Main Topic of Naga Sadow, I'm sure you weren't expecting the Daragons as well. Anyway, I just wanted to say some quick announcements. First, the number of new students here in this blog is growing rapidly! I am proud of each of one of you sharing this blog to everyone. This is why I'm proud of you is because the people must take in knowledge of the Jedi history and the ways of the force.
Second, I have seen 4% of the increase of new users signing up www.myblingubling.com. This is great! Don't forget that I'm always on that website and keep in mind that I named myself "Exile". Keep sharing that website to your families, friends, or your neighbors.
Last, keep on the look out of the upcoming articles in The Star Wars Space Encyclopedia! (http://starwarsspaceencyclopedia.blogspot.com/)
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Hyperspace Traveler Jori Daragon

The Daragons accidentally discovered a trail that took them to the Sith world of Korriban. They were imprisoned by the Sith and taken to the planet Ziost for interrogation.
Eventually, they were sentenced to death by the Sith, but Naga Sadow sprang them from prison and took them to his own fortress. Sadow hoped to convince the other Sith that the Daragons were the precursor for a Republic invasion, as that would give him the support of the other Sith Lords for his plan to invade Republic space.
When Sadow's rival, Ludo Kressh, attacked Sadow's fortress, Jori took the Starbreaker 12 and escaped back to Republic space, knowing that the she was the only means of warning the Republic of a Sith invasion. Little did she know that Sadow had placed a homing device on her ship and was planning on following the Starbreaker 12's course.
She returned to the Koros system and, after overcoming arrest and incarceration for various crimes, managed to get an audience with Empress Teta, leader of the Koros system, and several prominent Jedi Masters, including Memit Nadill and Odan-Urr. Jori's warning came in time for a successful last-ditch defense to be mounted against the oncoming Sith armada. However, Gav was aiding the Sith fleet and when Jori encountered him on Cinnagar, she chased her brother, trying to stop him.

Although Gav eventually turned on the Sith, Naga Sadow had him killed over Primus Goluud. However, Jori survived the war, and since one of its casualties had been Aarrba, she took over ownership of the Hutt's repair dock.
Jori Daragon was impulsive and impetuous, and willing to take great risks without concern for her own safety or future consequences. She was willing to commit a large number of crimes in an attempt by her and her brother to break out of their destitute circumstances. She was also easily upset, being drawn to tears on numerous occasions. Her brother, and to a lesser extent, her ship, the Starbreaker 12, were the two main things she prioritized after the death of her parents. She often lamented the injustice of her and Gav's situation, being less optimistic than her brother. She was also naïve, believing that people, including Naga Sadow, were as sincere as she was. She was determined to do what she felt was the right thing, even risking her life for an audience with Empress Teta to deliver a warning about the Sith threat.
This, was partially motivated out of her care for Gav, who was still a prisoner of the Sith Lords. When she found Gav friended with the Sith, she was afraid and felt betrayed, but held out hope for him. The loss of her brother affected her emotionally,and for her the victory in the Great Hyperspace War was bittersweet and caused her to be more contrite. She was gladdened to take ownership of Aarrba's Repair Dock, though, feeling that it was what Gav and even Aarrba would have wanted.
Jori, like her brother Gav, was Force-sensitive, but was never trained as a Jedi out of a desire to make money as a hyperspace explorer. However, in combat, she was capable of wielding a lightsaber, though she had never done so, and cut down several Massassi warriors in Cinnagar. She was also a pilot, eluding spaceport authorities and Sith patrols on 7 occasions, as well as helping map new hyperspace routes.

Years after her lifetime, Jori Daragon was remembered for her role in starting the Great Hyperspace War, including in a compilation of Jedi history and lore created by Jedi Tionne Solusar in 40 ABY. In the years after the Daragons, some historians pointed out that the Great Hyperspace War might have been avoided had Jedi Odan-Urr not saved the Daragons from Kahorr's assassins, but Solusar believed that the Daragons could not be held responsible for the start of the war. Their role was long remembered throughout history for blazing what was considered one of the most remarkable hyperlanes of the Old Republic era. The hyperlane, named the Daragon Trail, provided a passage directly from the Deep Core to Sith space.
Hyperspace Traveler Gav Daragon

Gav Daragon was a male Human hyperspace traveler who lived in the years up to and during the Great Hyperspace War. After his parents, Hok and Timar Daragon, died while running materials to beset soldiers on Kirrek, Daragon and his sister, Jori Daragon, innate the Starbreaker 12, one of their parents' ships, and began careers as hyperspace trailblazers. However, problem with creditors forced them to flee their home, Koros Major, and take a blind hyperspace jump into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy to avoid assassins and the authorities. When they pulled out of hyperspace they stumble upon the well-known Sith Empire, which had been vanished for millennia. Although the Daragons tried to keep the meeting with the Sith diplomatic, he and his sister were jailed by the reigning Dark Lords.
Although the two were due to be executed, they were rescued by one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the Sith Empire, Naga Sadow. Gav and Jori Daragon were hidden in Sadow's secret stronghold on Khar Shian, where Sadow exposed Daragon's Force-sensitivity and began to educate him in the dark side of the Force. Sadow was expansionist, and preached to Daragon that he would assist the Sith in a coming war with the Galactic Republic. Meanwhile, Sadow was in a power clash with another Sith Lord, Ludo Kressh (Sadow’s rival), leading Kressh to attack Sadow in the Battle of Khar Delba. Sadow was successful, and in the chaos he allowed Jori to escape in the Starbreaker 12. With nothing standing in his way, Sadow placed his new trainee Daragon in charge of the Sith fleets, and launched a two-pronged attack on the Galactic Republic, with major battles on Coruscant and the Koros system.
Daragon personally command the attack on Koros Major, but hoping to find his sister on the planet below, took a dropship down to his previous home city, Cinnagar. Daragon sought help from an old acquaintance, Aarrba, the owner of Aarrba's Repair Dock, but the old Hutt just spat in his face. Interpreting this move as an attack, Daragon's guards slay the Hutt; as a shocked Daragon stood over Aarrba's body, Jori, who blamed him for Aarrba’s death, confronted him. Overwhelmed by emotion, Daragon fled from his sister, and returned to his flagship. No longer loyal to Naga Sadow, and feeling that he needed to put a stop to the violence, Daragon went to Primus Goluud, where Sadow was sheltered in his Sith Meditation Sphere, conjuring illusions for the war effort. Daragon fired on Sadow, breaking his concentration; however, Sadow was able to convince Daragon to meet him together. When Daragon arrived on the meditation sphere, he realizes he had been tricked; the broken sphere was empty. The Koros fleet soon arrived in-system, along with Jori, and Daragon gave them the match to the Sith Empire's home worlds. Gav telling his sister goodbye, Daragon was soon killed by solar flares summon by Sadow, when he use the force. The Koros military would take Daragon's coordinates and attacked Sadow at Korriban, steering him and conclusion the Great Hyperspace War. Signing off…
Main Topic: Naga Sadow

Naga Sadow was The Dark Lord of the Sith He ruled approximately a thousand years before the time of Exar Kun. A member of an elite priesthood of pure Sith blood." At the funeral of the previous Dark Lord of the Sith, Sadow chalenged his arch-rival, Ludo Kressh, for the title of the next Dark Lord. Sadow felt the Sith Empire was stagnating and should expand its territory, while Kressh wanted a more isolationist approach to governing the Sith Empire. The duel was interupted by the arrival of Gav & Jori Daragin, unlucky explorers that hyperspaced to the wrong place. Kressh wanted them executed as precursors to an invasion, but Sadow saw it as an oportunity to expand the Sith Empire. Gav and Jori waited in their cells, sentenced to be executed, despairing . . . not realizing that they had become pawns of a Sith Lord. With his fierce loyal Massassi warriors, Naga Sadow secretly stole strange Republic weaponry from Gav and Jori's impounded ship, Starbreaker 12, and staged a commando raid to free the prisoners, killing a prominent Sith Lord in the process. Sadow whisked them off to his private fortress. The Sith Lords were thrown into an uproar, seeing the weapons, the evidence, and assuming they had been attacked by Republic forces. In turmoil, they turned to Naga Sadow for leadership and named him the Dark Lord of the Sith. Outraged, Ludo Kressh stormed off, taking his supporters with him. Discovering Sadow's trickery, Kressh mounted an armed rebellion against the evil Dark Lord, vowing to fight to save the Sith Empire from Sadow's reckless plans. While attacking Sadow's decoy fortress on Khar Shian, Kressh had inadvertantly waltzed into an ambush set by the Dark Lord. With Ludo Kressh out of the way, Naga Sadow rallied all the Sith Lords for the comming conquest. During Kressh's attack, Sadow had tricked Jori into fleeing back to the Republic without her brother, who was being held elsewhere, and with a hidden homing beacon led Naga Sadow right to the Republic. He began teaching the Force-sensitive Gav Sith magic, and later gave him command of the Sith invasion fleet; Sadow himself would watch the battle from his meditation sphere orbiting Primus Goluud, where he used forbidden Sith magic to rally his forces and create the illusion of a more massive invasion force than it actually was. But Gav could not stand being the commander causing all the death and destruction, and instead attacked Sadow himself. With his meditation sphere damaged, his Massassi armies began losing, and the Republic fleet set out to hunt down Sadow. Causing the Primus Goluud star to explode, Sadow tried to hide his escape back to the Sith Empire. In Sadow's absence, Ludo Kressh retook control of the Sith Empire and had his fleet waiting for Sadow's return. But Kressh's fleet was still no match for Sadow's already depleated fleet. Just as Sadow destroyed Kressh's ship, and Ludo Kressh with it, the Republic fleet arrived, led there by Jori. "He escaped across the galaxy, engaging Republic gunships in a cataclysmic battle at the Denarii Nova.Eventually, he and his followers ended up on Yavin Four, with his followers devolving into the primitive Massassi warriors over the centuries."
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Hello students! I am very proud to see over 100 students here in The Star Warz Blog ever since October! Today is December 1st. And I have an upcoming events! As you probably seen my other blog (howtocreatethings.blogspot.com) is very fascinating isn't it? Not only that, but here in this blog, you have read the difference between Force Valor and Dark Rage.
However, have you able to sign up www.myblingubling.com like I have? (I named myself Exile in that website.)

Anyway, the upcoming events that I talked about earlier is that I have created another blog. Its called the Star Wars Space Encyclopedia!! It is under construction for a little while, but there you will learn about planets, weaponry, people and species, culture, moons, etc! Here's the website's address:
Please share this website to other students as well! Don't forget to watch that clock at the bottom page! Soon I will post another Main Topic. Signing off...